RAFMA Expeditions
The Royal Air Force Mountaineering Association has been undertaking expeditions ever since its inception. Approximately every four years, RAFMA plans, organises and delivers a major expedition to greater ranges all around the world. In addition to the larger expedition, RAFMA also supports smaller scale expeditions to the Alps and other mountainous regions of the globe.
Find out more about some of the expeditions we have undertaken or are currently underway, below.
Led by Dino Stock, this expedition free climbed on some of North America's most accessible big wall areas.More information and photos to come on how Dino and the team got on in British Columbia.
Led by Anna Duckett, this expedition undertook the GR20 trek across the rugged interior of Corsica in Autumn 2022. More information and photos to come soon.
Led by Peter McCreedy, HIMALAYAN VENTURE 18 was the principal expedition of RAF100 - the celebration of the centenary of the formation of the Royal Air Force, the first independent Air Force in the world. The expedition also achieved recognition in being the largest single Service mountaineering expedition ever to have been mounted. The expedition drew together over 75 members of the wider RAF family in a pioneering expedition the Rolwaling and Khumbu regions of the Nepalese Himalayan range. It brought together individuals with a variety of outdoor experience, ranging from the absolute novice to the experienced mountaineer.
Led by John 'Percy' Percival, BOLIVAN VENTURE 2014 (BV14) was a major high altitude expedition to the Northern Apolobamba Cordillera region of Bolivia and Peru. The expedition took place during the period 3-26 June 2014 and consisted of 28 personnel broken down into a trekking team of 7 members and a mountaineering team of 21 members, made up from a small pool of experienced instructors and a large proportion of novice personnel.The expedition proved to be extremely successful, achieving its aim and objectives. The trekking team completed their eight day route and the mountaineering team placed every member on a summit above 5,600m. Eight mountains were summited via eleven different routes, accounting for 96 summiteers in total.
Led by Simon Moore, to the Garwhal Himalaya in North India, HIMALAYAN VENTURE 06 consisted of 2 teams each with their own objectives. The Main team, of 10 members, was to summit Satopanth (7,075m), one of the most prominent peaks in the Gangotri region; and the Development Team, consisting of 15 personnel, was to attempt one of the most difficult treks of Uttarakhand over the Kalindi Khal pass (5,950m), a majestic pass that connects Gangotri and Badrinath.Both teams were successful in their endeavors. The main team summited Satopanth (unfortunately the second team's summit attempt was thwarted just a hundred metres from the summit), whilst the Development Team successfully made their traverse over the pass. All personnel returned back to the UK safely.