24/07 - 24-28 Jul - Isle of Arran
Wed, 24 Jul
|Isle of Arran
RAFMA July meet running out of Corrie and Sannox Hall, Isle of Arran. Members will have the opportunity to undertake Coastal walking and Climbing activities.

Time & Location
24 Jul 2024, 15:00 – 28 Jul 2024, 15:00
Isle of Arran, Isle of Arran KA27 8JB, UK
About the Event
Bunkhouse accommodation. Any additional details about the bunkhouse accommodation not in the AO will be released via email or the WhatsApp group prior to the meet.Â
Travel. There will be a requirement to travel by ferry across to the Isle of Arran. Timings and costs will be provided.
Equipment. Personnel are required to bring all their own mountaineering equipment. Any issues should be raised to the meet WhatsApp, RAFMA Facebook or meet OIC. This meet will include Coastal walking and Climbing, further details of equipment required will be on the AO.
Meet Organiser. Marie Pritchard (mountaineering.meets@rafsport.org.uk)
WhatsApp Details. These can be found in your booking confirmation email
Admin Order. Meanwhile, the AO can be found at the following Library for members using MODNET and will be distributed directly to all attendees ~7 days prior to the meet. Associate members can message the meet organiser for an individual copy via the WhatsApp group.
Ticket enquiries. Any enquires can be made through the 'Contact' button on the website/app or directly to the Meet Organiser. Last-minute cancellations typically prevent other members from attending so early cancellations are very important.
First Meet? Free tickets are available to book via the website/booking app.Â